29 March 2023
A Postdoc position in Computational Biology is available at the Italian Institute for
Genomic Medicine (IIGM) in Turin (IT). The position is in the context of a 5-years funded AIRC grant to Dr. Matteo Cereda, and in collaboration with Prof. Salvatore Oliviero at IIGM and University of Turin and Prof. Jernej Ule at The Francis Crick Institute, London(UK)
"One post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Andrea Ditadi at the SR-TIGET in Milan to study human microglia development and functions at the molecular and genetic level using hESCs/hiPSCs and mouse models. Our lab combines developmental cell and molecular biology to understand normal and pathological human development, with a particular interest in studying the genetic origins for genetic disorders and developing novel strategies for their treatment.
Positions for computational and wet postdocs are available in the Group of Renato Ostuni
at the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) in Milan, Italy. Our labcombines single-cell genomics, genome engineering and gene therapy to dissect and
manipulate the complex network of transcription factors, chromatin regulators and noncoding RNAs that control gene expression in the innate immune system.
The laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Cell Plasticity at the Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Turin, Italy is seeking for a dedicated and talented scientist.
The “microRNA/adhesion molecule and tumor progression” Laboratory at the MBC, Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Torino, is looking for a young Postdoctoral Fellow to study the role of miR-214 and miR-148b in melanoma progression
We are seeking for a postdoctoral researcher with background in cancer cell biology or translational research to join the project “PreCanMed- Establishment of platform for precision cancer medicine” funded by the INTERREG Italia-Austria program of the European Union. The project is coordinated by Prof. Stefan Schoeftner at the Laboratorio Nazionale CIB in Trieste, Italy
The laboratory is looking for a bioinformatician to cover an open position for a post-doctoral scientific researcher.
A postdoctoral position is available at Centro Cardiologico Monzino-IRCCS research hospital, in the laboratory of the Vascular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Unit, supervised by Prof. Pompilio
We are seeking a post-doc to join the project “microRNAs degradation dynamics in human cancer” funded by AIRC and coordinated by Dr. Francesco Nicassio at the Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM (https://www.iit.it/it/centers/cgs-semm), located in Milan and one of IIT’s national research nodes.
Multiple post-doctoral research positions are available at CIBIO to to study kinetochore and chromosome segregation biology.

16 January 2023
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