29 March 2023
purpose of the research programme is to employ generic engineering
technologies to redirect T cell specificity and modulate T cell function.
A project aiming to get fundamental
insights into how signaling inputs orchestrate changes in chromatin and transcriptional activity of targets in gene regulatory networks (GRNs)
We seek highly motivated, ambitious and talented scientists to join our lab. The ideal candidate should be highly skilled in basic molecular biology techniques, cell culture and basic biochemistry. Previous experience in working with animal models or in Next Generation Sequencing techniques
will be a plus.
The research program centers on flavivirus (Dengue, zika virus) and the activation of the innate immune response via the sensing of infected cells, as well as viral strategies for immune evasion.
A post-doctoral position is immediately available to work in the laboratory of Valeria Poli at the Molecular Biotechnology Center, Turin University.
Postdoc position available at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
The project aims at dissecting the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of T1DM.
The lab studies the metabolic, molecular and cellular requirements for mounting and controlling B cell response at the mucosal interfaces.
The project a project aims at: 1. the clarification of the PZ mechanism of action as a tool to identify potential new targets; 2. the screening of FDA approved orphan drugs to hit the TZ identified molecular targets. The candidate will acquire experience in cell and molecular biology, advanced imaging approaches and high throughput screening technologies.
Anna Kajaste's group is interested in studying the molecular mechanisms of host-vector interplay in the context of hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy of monogenic inflammatory diseases, with particular focus on innate immunity and host responses to transduction.

16 January 2023
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