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Post-Doctoral position (Assegno di Ricerca) at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences of the University of Torino, Molecular Biotechnology Center, Via Nizza 52.
The Laboratory of Endothelial Molecular Biology leaded by Prof. Massimo Santoro is looking for highly motivated postdoctoral scientists to work in the field of angiogenesis.
We are looking for highly motivated post-docs with an interest in multidisciplinary science. Positions will be related either to experimental approaches (in molecular biology, cell culture, immunofluorescence microscopy, and live cell microscopy and/or in cell biophysics and microfabrication) or modeling (experience in statistical physics, rheology and numerical simulations are highly desirable). This position is opened in 2016 supported by ERC consolidator grant.
Position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow is available at Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (University of Oslo). The position is for initially for two years, but prolongation is possible. Within the framework of the position, duties may be assigned. In regards to the post doctoral position, no one can be appointed for more than one fixed-term period at the same institution.
The broad objective of our lab is to understand the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of cellular senescence identity and its role in organismal aging, cancer development, stem cell differentiation and tissue rejuvenation
One postdoctoral fellow position is available at the University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada) for a September 2015 start date to study how redox-sensitive proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) regulate calcium flux between the ER and mitochondria at the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM).
A postdoctoral position is available at the group of Reini Luco at the Institut de Génétique Humaine in Montpellier, in the South of France.
Postdoctoral position available starting in August 2015 at the Lujambio Laboratory, Department of Oncological Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York.
Postdoc Position available at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan. The optimal candidate would have a PhD in molecular or cellular biology, experience in gene expression, transcriptional regulation, cell biology, biochemical assays.
Postdoctoral Fellow MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology King’s College London. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Makeyev lab at MRC Centre of Developmental Neurobiology, King’s College London.