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Post-Doctoral position at University of Torino - Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC) Torino (IT).
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences of the University of Torino, Molecular Biotechnology Center, T
Host Lab
Contract Duration
one year (+ two year)
Deadline for application

Post-Doctoral position (Assegno di Ricerca) at the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences of the University of Torino, Molecular Biotechnology Center, Via Nizza 52.


 “Synergistic cross-talk between the Wnt/PCP and STAT3 pathways in basal-like breast cancer“


The successful candidate will be a highly motivated recent PhD graduate with a strong computational focus and experience in the analysis of NGS data and datamining in large databases such as TCGA. He/she will join a highly dynamic group interested in different aspects of transcriptional regulation in health and disease, and will be primarily involved in the AIRC-funded project “Synergistic cross-talk between the Wnt/PCP and STAT3 pathways in basal-like breast cancer”. Additionally, he/she will be encouraged to develop novel lines of research within the scope of the laboratory, and will be instrumental in providing computational support to other projects running in the lab. The position (Assegno di Ricerca) is initially offered for one year, but funding is available for two additional years. Wet lab experience is not a requirement but would represent a plus.

Applications, with a CV and statement of interest, should be sent by email to Prof. Valeria Poli ( Please include the address and email of three referees.