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The teams of Laporte and Kim are two labs at the IGBMC working on skeletal muscle biology with complementary expertise and approaches. We are jointly looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to manage a joint project in our labs.
Open Position in the Unit of Multiscale and Nanostructural Imaging Unit. The suitable candidate is expected to have proven experience in use of light microscopy including sample preparation, high utilization of confocal microscopy and associated image processing modules, knowledge of microscope hardware and use of Imaging analytical software. A minimum of 3 years of hands-on experience in light microscopy is required as well as knowledge of the biological samples. The candidate must demonstrate willingness in addressing development of new technologies and methods, particularly to be involved in projects aimed at developing protocols of chemical clarification dedicated to Light-Sheet Microscopy analysis.
Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position in the ATIP/Avenir funded laboratory of Dr. Beatrice Rondinelli at the Genome Integrity and Cancers Unit (UMR 9019, at Gustave Roussy Institute, located just outside of Paris city centre.
The Epithelial Carcinogenesis Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre-CNIO (Madrid, Spain) has openings for postdoctoral positions in three exciting projects. CNIO is an international center with excellent core facilities, a very collaborative atmosphere, and a great research environment.
In the multi and interdisciplinary scientific environment of the European School of Molecular Medicine (SEMM) network, that includes 8 Italian Research Centers and 7 Italian Universities, we offer an innovative PhD program in Systems Medicine. The PhD Program aims to train young and motivated researchers in the wide field of modern Biomedicine. The general idea is that complex systems, such as diseases and their pathogenesis, cannot be understood taking into account a single point of view. The expertise of different scientists, biologists, medical doctors, computer scientists, physicists and mathematicians is needed to provide new insights.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ADMISSION TO DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES – 40th cycle (AY 2024/25) at the University of Trieste
The PhD students will be part of an interdisciplinary project combining live imaging, genetics, and computational approaches using C. elegans
The laboratory directed by CNR researcher Dr. Marianna Leonzino in the "Area Neuro" of the Humanitas Research Hospital is seeking talented and highly motivated researchers at all career stages. Successful applicants will join a vibrant young team working on the role of interorganellar communication in neurodegenerative diseases and will contribute to a project aimed at dissecting cellular pathways leading to neuronal death in the context of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The project is part of a collaborative effort involving also the lab of Dr. Paolo Colombi (IGM-CNR). The team uses human IPSC-derived neurons as a cellular model and takes advantage of gene-editing techniques to develop disease-modeling cell lines.
PostDoc position at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Animal studies For a project on the characterization of the safety profile of a drug in mice, we are seeking for a Post-Doc scientist to work at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy. The project begins in September 2024 and it is expected to last 2-3 years. The selected candidate will perform all the animal activities envisaged for the project: animal handling and characterization at different life stages as well as behavioral studies. She/he will set up the appropriate in vivo behavioral models and study the pharmacokinetic biodistribution of the drug. Retribution and benefits are competitive and will be defined based on the Applicant’s experience.
The laboratory of Prof. Santoro at Dept. of Biology, University of Padua and Venetian Institute Molecular Medicine ( is seeking a PhD student to study endothelial signaling and metabolic pathways in Endo-MT-driven pathological angiogenesis.