29 March 2023
Research focuses on understanding how nuclear acyl-CoA metabolism influences chromatin remodeling and transcriptional regulation. Mitochondrial enzymes that produce acyl-CoAs, essential metabolites for chromatin modifications and gene activity, have been observed to be present and functional
in the nucleus, where they generate metabolic niches that enhance local nuclear acyl-CoA
synthesis, thereby impacting gene activity. This project uses omics-based approaches,
metabolite tracing, proximity-labeling, and advanced imaging techniques to explore how these nuclear metabolic enzymes regulate gene expression, interact with chromatin factors, and contribute to nuclear organization and function.
We are looking for 3 highly motivated PhD students interested in how
Metabolism affects Genome Regulation and Cell Identity
MemBioMed offers cutting-edge training on biomembranes, covering key topics such as lipids and membrane proteins, and prepares the next generation of scientists, entrepreneurs, and leaders to explore the complex behavior of cellular membranes and unlock their therapeutic potential.
A fully funded 3 years post-doctoral position is available in Terzi Lab to explore the role of a renal
specific transcription factor in the progression of chronic kidney disease progression. The successful
candidate will join a dynamic and collaborative team to work on cutting-edge research that has the potential to
uncover new therapeutic strategies.
The LRCB (KU Leuven) is interested in studying RNA metabolism in cancer. In
particular, we aim at characterising long non-coding RNAs important for cancer
progression. Towards this we apply cutting edge molecular biology and biochemistry
techniques coupled to in vivo and ex vivo preclinical studies, with the ultimate goal of
identifying promising therapeutic targets. The laboratory hosts also Trace, a state-ofthe-
art facility offering a unique collection of >150 well-annotated patient-derived
models, belonging to 11 tumour types.
KU Leuven is an exciting, interdisciplinary university hosting excellent facilities and
research groups and providing extensive opportunities for training.
The launch of IRIBHM Jacques E. Dumont’s 2025 International PhD
Programme—a unique opportunity designed to prepare the next generation of leaders in biomedical
sciences. With several fellowships available, successful candidates will dive into cutting-edge research
projects in a warm, collaborative environment held to the highest international standards.
The Master’s program, lasting one year, is structured around live online lectures conducted synchronously, two workshops, a 300-hour internship, and a final examination.
Specifically, the program includes four traditional teaching courses delivered through lectures and one alternative teaching course in the form of practical exercises.
1-year postdoc position in my lab (vaccarilab.unimi.it) at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan. We study lysosomes and autophagy in fly models of rare disease. We use a combination of genetic, imaging and biochemical approaches and quantitative phenotypic assessments.
A Lab Technician/Research Assistant position is immediately available in the Process Development Lab (PDL), led by Marina Radrizzani at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan, Italy. We are looking for a motivated Lab Technician/Research Assitant to work in the PDL Vector Core, which is focused on process development, optimization and manufacturing of high-quality lentiviral vectors (LV) for in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies.
We are looking for a highly motivated lab technician with a degree in Biology, Biotechnology, or a related field.

16 January 2023
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Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento
Sede legale: Via Giosuè Carducci, 31 - 20123 Milano
C.F. 06969280152 · P.IVA 08095830967
Presidente: Sara Sigismund
Segretario-Tesoriere: Massimo Bonora
Sede legale: Via Giosuè Carducci, 31 - 20123 Milano
C.F. 06969280152 · P.IVA 08095830967
Presidente: Sara Sigismund
Segretario-Tesoriere: Massimo Bonora
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