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8 July 2024

The teams of Laporte and Kim are two labs at the IGBMC working on skeletal muscle biology with complementary expertise and approaches. We are jointly looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to manage a joint project in our labs.

5 June 2024

Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral position in the ATIP/Avenir funded laboratory of Dr. Beatrice Rondinelli at the Genome Integrity and Cancers Unit (UMR 9019, at Gustave Roussy Institute, located just outside of Paris city centre.

4 June 2024

The Epithelial Carcinogenesis Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre-CNIO (Madrid, Spain) has openings for postdoctoral positions in three exciting projects. CNIO is an international center with excellent core facilities, a very collaborative atmosphere, and a great research environment.

18 April 2024

PostDoc position at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Animal studies For a project on the characterization of the safety profile of a drug in mice, we are seeking for a Post-Doc scientist to work at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy. The project begins in September 2024 and it is expected to last 2-3 years. The selected candidate will perform all the animal activities envisaged for the project: animal handling and characterization at different life stages as well as behavioral studies. She/he will set up the appropriate in vivo behavioral models and study the pharmacokinetic biodistribution of the drug. Retribution and benefits are competitive and will be defined based on the Applicant’s experience.

18 March 2024

We are seeking for highly motivated post-doctoral researchers interested in working in a stimulating research environment, and leading ambitious projects aiming to discover new strategies to curb metastatic proclivity or eradicate metastatic outgrowth by digging into the connections between mechanosignaling and oncogenic pathways and their role in controlling the crosstalk of tumor cells with the tissue microenvironment. The research is funded by AIRC 5x1000 program “Metastasis as a mechanodisease” ID22759.