29 March 2023
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for a post-doctoral position to join our
group at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy.
A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Sandra Citi, for a biochemist/structural biologist/cell biologist
Are you a molecular biologist who loves the challenge of developing new methods?
Then the “Genomics of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Disease” Laboratory (GOLD Lab) has an opportunity for you!
We are seeking a highly motivated research scientist with previous training in cell biology and/or biochemistry for a postdoctoral position (24-36 months)
We are seeking a highly motivated post-doc to study the epigenetic regulation of gene expression in muscle wasting.
The laboratory of Pier Paolo Di Fiore at IEO is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated candidate with training in stem cell biology and/or energy metabolism for a postdoctoral Research Fellow position in the field of Stem Cell Biology, Metabolism and Metastasis.
Postdoctoral position available at Di Fiore laboratory at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milan for a project focused on epigenetic modifications involved in cancer progression, in particular in bladder and breast cancer.
We are in search of a Biomedical Engineer with a specific expertise in design and manufacturing of advanced bioreactors and perfusion systems.
A post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Sirio Dupont in the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padova to study new regulatory mechanisms of metabolism, funded by a CARIPARO Eccellenza 2017 grant.
The laboratory on Prof. Massimo Santoro is seeking post-doctoral fellows to study metabolism in cancer

16 January 2023
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