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22 June 2024

Gianluca Petrillo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, uno degli organizzatori racconta la sua esperienza con l'evento.

27 September 2019

We, as members of the scientific community of Europe, wish to address this situation early on and emphasize both to the general public, as well as to relevant politicians on the national and European Union level, that without dedication to education and research there will neither exist a sound basis for innovation in Europe, nor can we fulfill the promise of a high standard of living for the citizens of Europe in a fierce global competition.

22 August 2019

“Tassa” sulla sperimentazione: lettera delle Società scientifiche al governo. Sperimentazione animale e Decreto Ministeriale (Ministero della Salute) n. 173 del 27/03/2019 riguardante la determinazione delle tariffe spettanti al Ministero della salute, ai fini del rilascio delle autorizzazioni relative alla protezione degli animali utilizzati a scopi scientifici

12 February 2017

ASCB stands against recent action by President Trump to limit entry into the US by citizens from seven Muslim Countries

6 February 2017

Dear colleagues, I am writing to propose that we as European researchers should try to help scientists who are stranded outside the US as a result of the recent immigration ban. Some individuals