29 March 2023
Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 within School of Medicine. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a full time fixed term position as a post-doctoral researcher working within the laboratory of Dr. Claire Robinson. The successful candidate will investigate the role of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in pancreatic cancer. The position is funded by Breakthrough Cancer Research and is for a fixed term of 24 months Project description
We are pleased to announce a stimulating opportunity for aspiring researchers (from Italy and abroad) in the field of molecular oncology. We offer a predoctoral training program designed to prepare candidates for admission to the PhD course in Molecular Medicine at the University of Torino. Successful candidate(s) will be supported by a salary throughout the beginning of the PhD Course (November 1st, 2023).
Applications are OPEN for the PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine of the University of Trieste (Dottorato in Biomedicina Molecolare dell'Università di Trieste).
These projects are part of a large collaborative network involving Research Centers and Universities in Italy and abroad.
A short term post-doctoral position is immediately available in the laboratory of prof. Licio Collavin at the University of Trieste (http://tinyurl.com/collavinlab)
The lab is focused on the molecular mechanisms that determine cancer aggressiveness, with a special interest in function and regulation of the tumor suppressor DAB2IP, a Ras-GAP and signaling adaptor that modulates multiple oncogenic pathways.
For more information, or to apply, feel free to write directly to prof. Collavin
The goal of our lab at the San Raffaele – Telethon institute for Gene Therapy (SR-TIGET) in Milan is to study the regulation of blood cell emergence during human embryonic development. To this aim, we use our innovative hESCs/hiPSCs platform and combine developmental cell and molecular biology to understand normal and pathological human hematopoietic development, with a particular interest in studying the genetic origins for blood disorders and developing novel strategies for their treatment.
The goal of our lab at the San Raffaele – Telethon institute for Gene Therapy (SR-TIGET) in Milan is to study the regulation of blood cell emergence during human embryonic development. To this aim, we use our innovative hESCs/hiPSCs platform and combine developmental cell and molecular biology to understand normal and pathological human hematopoietic development, with a particular interest in studying the genetic origins for blood disorders and developing novel strategies for their treatment.
A two-year post-doc position on the project entitled “The lncRNA PHOX2B-AS1 in the pathogenesis and as potential drug target in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS)” founded by the Telethon Foundation, is available at the “Molecular Pharmacology” laboratory (PI Prof. Fornasari), Dept. of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, University of Milan.
The UCD Cancer Data lab are currently looking to recruit computational biology postdocs. We are a supportive and collaborative interdisciplinary research group based in the Conway Institute in University College Dublin. We are broadly interested in understanding how mutations in cancer alter molecular interaction networks and in identifying ways to target these alterations therapeutically. We have a particular interest in identifying genetic interactions in cancer and understanding how they influence tumour genome evolution. You can read more about areas of specific research interest here.
Are you an ambitious MSc or PhD student seeking a challenge at the forefront of genomics, computational biology and RNA therapeutics?

16 January 2023
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