A Lab Technician/Research Assistant position is immediately available in the Process Development Lab (PDL), led by Marina Radrizzani at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan, Italy. We are looking for a motivated Lab Technician/Research Assitant to work in the PDL Vector Core, which is focused on process development, optimization and manufacturing of high-quality lentiviral vectors (LV) for in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies.
We are looking for a highly motivated lab technician with a degree in Biology, Biotechnology, or a related field.
The laboratory of Dr Ana Casañal at the Structural Biology Research Centre (SBRC) at Human Technopole (HT) is looking for a research Senior Technician/Technician https://humantechnopole.it/en/research-groups/casanal-group/. The group is focused on the structural analysis (mainly by cryo-EM) of large macromolecular complexes involved in RNA processing. In particular, the Casañal lab uses an integrated structural biology approach that combines biochemistry, biophysics, and mass- spectrometry with structural biology techniques, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind the addition and the regulation of biochemical marks on RNA, a process often deregulated in human disease.
A position for a Technician/Lab Manager is available in the Group of Cardiac Development, Remodeling and Regeneration under the supervision of Dr. Paola Cattaneo. The group is part of the University of Milan a center of Excellence and one of the biggest University in Italy and is located at the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan, Italy.
A Research Fellow position is available, starting February 2024, in the Lab of Prof. Anna Kajaste-Rudnitski at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. The Kajaste Lab, located at the Scientific Pole of Pavia University within the Department of Biology and Biotechnology (DBB), offers a dynamic and stimulating working environment within a motivated team. The DBB benefits from a highly competitive, international, and scientifically stimulating environment and offers excellent working conditions, state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructures (Next Generation Sequencing, Cell Sorting and Imaging, Animal Facilities).