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A postdoc position to work on chromosome instability and micronuclei in cancer development is available in the Genome Integrity lab led by Prof. Stefano Santaguida at European Institute of Oncology (IEO, Milano).
Defilippi’s lab will offer to the applicant all the conditions to carry out her/his work, with innovative techniques in a centre which benefit of the facilities required to carry on the proposed research, including fully equipped cell culture, microscope and animal facility.
Two SNSF-funded PhD student positions in the group “Mechanisms of Inherited Kidney Disorders” co-led by Prof. Olivier Devuyst and Dr. Alessandro Luciani is located at the Institute of Physiology, at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. Project: Unlocking mechanisms and therapeutic paradigms for rare inherited diseases Inherited defects in lysosome-residing proteins can lead to proximal tubulopathy and kidney disease. Recessive mutations in CTNS, the gene encoding cystinosin/CTNS, cause cystinosis, a lysosomal storage disease characterized by early and severe dysfunction of kidney tubular epithelial cells, progressing towards chronic kidney disease (CKD) and life-threatening complications. Using cystinosis as a paradigm of lysosome dysfunction causing proximal tubulopathy and kidney disease, the project aims to dissect the biological roles of lysosomes in the context of homeostasis, kidney disease, and therapeutic discovery. The applicants will combine preclinical disease models (mouse, rat, and zebrafish), physiologically-relevant cell systems, cell-and lysosome-based function assays, and disease-relevant screening technologies (i) to decipher how the lysosome direct cell fate determination in the kidney tubule epithelium; and to (ii) dissect factors and mechanisms of lysosomal reformation and their roles in normal and diseased cells. By synergizing prior knowledge-based approaches and artificial intelligence (AI)-powered engine with a cross-species screening and validation workflow, the applicant will rank and prioritize actionable drug targets addressing dysregulated homeostasis in cystinosis. Our ultimate goal is to expedite the effective translation of therapeutic agents from preclinical systems to clinical benefits for individuals with cystinosis and other lysosome-related diseases.
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join the Maiuri team at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology, Federico II University of Naples, Italy. Our group studies how cells sense and react to mechano-chemical stimuli coming from the surrounding micro-environment. Particularly, we are interested to investigate how those stimuli impact on the cell nucleus.
We are seeking expressions of interest for a post-doctoral position from highly motivated candidates that would like to join our group at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy. The successful candidate will work on a PRIN 2022 funded project, and he/she will employ a combination of molecular, cellular, and in vivo approaches to dissect novel epigenetic events occurring in breast cancer stem cells and related to metastasis formation. The project will involve the use of molecular and cellular biology techniques, including 3D cell cultures and NGS. The optimal candidates would be highly motivated, have a strong background in molecular or cellular biology, experience in transcriptional regulation and cell biology. Candidates holding a PhD degree are welcome to apply but highly motivated candidates at earlier stages of their scientific careers will also be considered. Potential candidates are invited to send a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research interests and contact information of 2 references to Giuseppina Caretti,
Two post-doctoral fellow positions are available, starting February 2024, in the Lab of Prof. Anna Kajaste-Rudnitski at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. About the project The goal of this ERC-funded project is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of nucleic acid sensing and pathogen recognition in clinically relevant targets of gene therapy for the development of innovative cell and gene therapy strategies and to fight infectious and autoimmune diseases. We combine molecular virology approaches with state-of-the-art NGS technologies and proteomics in advanced in vitro and in vivo models. What we look for The candidate must hold a PhD Degree in Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, or related disciplines with skills in molecular and cellular biology, as well as primary human cell culture and manipulation. Experience in iPSC culture and differentiation is a significant plus. Proficient English, independent working capacity, excellent organizational skills and team spirit are required.
A Research Fellow position is available, starting February 2024, in the Lab of Prof. Anna Kajaste-Rudnitski at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. The Kajaste Lab, located at the Scientific Pole of Pavia University within the Department of Biology and Biotechnology (DBB), offers a dynamic and stimulating working environment within a motivated team. The DBB benefits from a highly competitive, international, and scientifically stimulating environment and offers excellent working conditions, state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructures (Next Generation Sequencing, Cell Sorting and Imaging, Animal Facilities).
We are pleased to announce an opening for Post-Doctoral position in the field of molecular biology and therapeutic applications in breast cancer and melanoma progression. The laboratory (lab) is located at the Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC), Dept. Mol. Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Via Nizza, 52, Torino. The successful candidate will be supported by a competitive salary (Assegno di ricerca or Fellowship).
A position will soon be open at the Scientific Directorate of the Regina Elena Institute, by means of a public call for applications for a one-year contract, eventually renewable, as Project Manager to support the management of European research projects of the Cancer Mission ( and of the Cancer Beating Plan ( ). The successful candidate will be in charge of managing interactions with European networks in which the institute is involved or will be involved in the future, driving the activities foreseen by the projects, controlling their preparation and implementation, monitoring results, coordinating technical reporting, maintaining relations with network members and ensuring the continuity of the reporting process. In order to carry out its functions it will have to interface, from time to time, with the experts of the Regina Elena Institute necessary for the various project requests, coordinating ad hoc working groups interfacing with the Scientific Direction and the Grant Office. Among the activities foreseen, but not limited to these, the chosen candidate will have to actively participate, as a representative of the Regina Elena Institute, in the preparatory meetings of the project proposals to be presented, in the kick-off meetings and in the periodic meetings of the different projects. The envisaged professional figure should have a scientific background possibly coupled with previous experience in the field of international relations. High familiarity with cloud portals for document sharing such as Onedrive/Sharepoint is required. Excellent knowledge of the English language is required. A knowledge of project management techniques in the field of research, particularly in oncology, will be an advantage. For further information, interested candidates may contact Giulia Piaggio at 06-52662458 or by email or
We are seeking a highly motivated research scientist with previous training in cell biology and/or biochemistry for a postdoctoral position (24 months) working on "Role of (macro)autophagy in the regulation of turn-over, unconventional secretion and inter-neuronal spreading of neurodegenerative diseases- associated aggregation-prone proteins". The successful candidate will be enrolled on a funded research project aimed at identifying novel genes and signalling pathways regulating the interplay between mammalian autophagy and neurodegenerative diseases. More specifically, the project will require the use of up-to-date molecular and cellular biology techniques, such as confocal and live cell imaging, gene expression and mass spectrometry analyses, siRNA, shRNA and CRISPR/CAS9-based molecular manipulations of target gene expression, functional analyses in cell lines, patients-derived primary cells and ultimately in animal disease models, which will be deployed to analyse the contribution of the autophagic- lysosomal and unconventional secretion pathways to neurodegenerative diseases. Desired skills and experience The successful candidate should have a PhD with a solid background in molecular biology, cell biology and/or biochemistry. Research experience in molecular biology (including molecular cloning, DNA, RNA and protein manipulations) as well as an extensive experience in cell biology and cell imaging techniques are required. Additional experience in isolation and culture of primary cells, mass spectrometry and bioinformatic analyses would be considered advantageous. Interested applicants should submit a letter of application, CV and references (or informal enquiries) to: Maurizio Renna, PhD (