29 March 2023
The Haucke lab (www.leibniz-fmp.de/haucke) seeks to recruit a postdoc in biochemistry and/ or structural biology to analyze the molecular architecture and function of protein complexes that control membrane and organelle dynamics in health and disease. Our main focus is on the endolysosomal system that we study using a combination of biochemical/ structural
biological, genetic, and cell biological approaches.
The Ostuni lab combines advanced single-cell and spatial genomics on human samples with
mechanistic studies in the mouse to elucidate how microenvironmental factors shape the behavior of innate immune cells. Over the years, we contributed to the understanding of the molecular control and functional implications of macrophage and neutrophil diversity in homeostasis and cancer.
Our research has been published in top scientific journals and is funded by the most prestigious agencies such as the European Research Council (ERC-StG, ERC-CoG, ERC-PoC). Our vision is that by taking an interdisciplinary approach to understand biology we will develop the next generation of cell and gene therapies for
immune-mediated human diseases, such as cancer. In our group, wet-lab and computational scientists engage in a
virtuous cycle whereby biology instructs data analysis and data analysis fuels experimental hypothesis.
Two Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships Available at the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca in the research group led by Emanuele Azzoni, within the framework of two exciting and
Both projects are aimed at understanding the role of inflammatory pathways in the context of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML), a type of blood cancer affecting young children, for which new treatments are urgently needed.
Postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the Laboratory of Muscle Stem Cells and Gene Regulation (LMSCGR) at NIAMS of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. Ambitious and strongly motivated individuals with a solid background in molecular biology (bioinformatics is desirable but not required) are invited to apply. The main areas of investigations relate to:
1)Intersection of metabolism and epigenetics in the regulation of skeletal muscle stem cell biology
2)Role of chromatin- and histone-modifying protein complexes in embryonic and muscle stem cells
IFOM just opened multiple positions for tenure-track PIs and Head of Facility. As we are now expanding our teams and programs, we are seeking passionate scientists who share our vision and are committed to making a difference in basic, translational and clinical cancer research.
The School of Biochemistry seeks to appoint an Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer with research expertise in molecular cell biology and the insight and collaborative potential to help us further develop our existing strengths in this area. Your role will involve developing a world-class independent research programme and teaching students on the range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to which the School contributes.
A bioinformatics position is open in the Mass Spectrometry Unit (MSU) at Department of Experimental Oncology
(DEO) a leading cancer research institution located in the south area of Milan
We are looking for a motivated, enthusiastic candidate with strong interest in computational
science to work on dedicated bioinformatics suite aimed to quantitative proteomics data
A MS specialist position is open in the Mass Spectrometry Unit (MSU) at Department of Experimental Oncology
(DEO) a leading cancer research institution located in the south area of Milan
We are looking for a motivated, enthusiastic person to work on sample preparation protocols
optimization and to operate LC-MS equipment as well as to run proteomics data analysis
BRIC wishes to recruit 1-2 strongly motivated scientist(s) at Associate Professor or Professor level for an independent research group leader position. We are seeking excellent candidates with ambitious research visions within the broad area of biomedical research and a drive to contribute to a diverse and inspiring research environment.
BRIC is an international center of excellence with the mission to perform cutting-edge basic and translational biomedical research in an open environment that fosters interdisciplinarity and collaboration. Active research areas include many aspects of cancer biology, stem cell biology and neurobiology. The center is part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
I bandi sono rivolti a candidati/e con alta qualificazione ed esperienza scientifica e managerial negli ambiti di pertinenza.

16 January 2023
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