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A postdoctoral position is available in our laboratory in Milano, starting mid April, to work on the mechanisms that link cellular stress responses to the dynamics of ER – mitochondria contacts.
Integrated approaches for the identification of novel intracellular networks regulating mammalian autophagy in health and disease We are seeking a highly motivated research scientist with previous training in cell biology and/or biochemistry for a postdoctoral position
Nel contesto del progetto di ricerca, il “biologo molecolare per le attività di genomica” si occuperà di lavorare allo sviluppo di nuove metodiche di analisi NGS per la caratterizzazione di marcatori molecolari circolanti e tissutali per la diagnosi ed il monitoraggio delle patologie oncologiche.
Nel contesto del progetto di ricerca, il “ricercatore biomedico per le attività di proteomica” si occuperà di sviluppare nuove metodiche di analisi per la caratterizzazione di marcatori proteici exosomiali per la diagnosi ed il monitoraggio delle patologie oncologiche.
A postdoctoral position is available in the newly established RNA Biology of the Neuron unit directed by Dr. Jean-Michel Cioni at the San Raffaele Institute, Milan.
The call for admission application to the International PhD Course in Molecular Medicine at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele is now open.
Applications are OPEN for 12 fellowships to attend to the PhD program in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology of the University of Udine (Dottorato in Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologiche dell’Università degli Studi di Udine).
A research technician position is immediately available in the group of Epigenetic Regulation and Targeted Genome Editing led by Dr. Angelo Lombardo at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan, Italy.
A one year junior research position within the TRANS-ALS project supported by the Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB) in Lombardia is available at the CNR Institute of Neuroscience, Milan, Italy.
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for a post-doctoral position to join our group at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy.