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17 September 2024

A three-year post-doctoral position funded by a MFAG AIRC is available in the laboratory of Prof. Sirio Dupont and Dr. Patrizia Romani in the Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padova, to study the link between ferroptosis and aggressive melanoma dissemination through the blood.

10 September 2024

The International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter (IMPRS-LM) is looking for talented and motivated PhD candidates of all nationalities with a background in MOLECULAR and CELL BIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOPHYSICS, APPLIED and THEORETICAL PHYSICS, CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY and related fields.

6 September 2024

Nei carcinomi mammari l’aumento dell’attività metabolica del tumore ha un valore sia prognostico, in quanto individua i tumori a decorso peggiore, sia predittivo, poiché è in grado di predire la risposta a chemioterapia neoadiuvante nei tumori appartenenti al sottotipo Triplo-negativo. Malgrado queste evidenze non esistono, al momento, marcatori metabolici in grado di rivelare i carcinomi mammari caratterizzati da elevata attività metabolica e di correlarli al rischio di recidiva o a trattamenti specifici. Recentemente, nel nostro laboratorio, sono stati identificati alcuni marcatori in grado di correlare con la prognosi delle pazienti e con lo status metabolico del loro tumore. La caratterizzazione proposta, prevede sia uno studio riguardante il loro valore predittivo di ricorrenza all’interno del sottotipo Luminale, sia uno studio molecolare e preclinico sulla loro capacità di predire la sensibilità a trattamenti mirati. Il progetto prevede, inoltre, l’opportunità di lavorare nell’ambito della ricerca oncologica secondo una visione sistemica e interdisciplinare, caratterizzata da nozioni relative a prevenzione e valorizzazione della ricerca nel campo delle biotecnologie.

2 September 2024

We offer a fully funded renewable 12-months position focusing on the characterization of the heterogeneity of muscle stem cells and their cellular interactions during physiological regeneration and in disease. By using cutting-edge technologies, such as single cell/nuclei RNA sequencing, the selected candidate will aim at the comprehension of the cellular and molecular dynamics occurring in skeletal muscle with the ultimate goal of identifying novel therapeutic targets to counteract tissue degeneration occurring in muscular dystrophies, in aging and cancer.

31 August 2024

The team of Marcus Buschbeck at the headquarters of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (Badalona, Barcelona, Spain), is looking for a motivated researcher who is interested in developing a research line in the emerging field of metabolic regulation of the genome. Focusing on leukaemia, the postdoc will take an active role in the recently funded MSCA doctoral network NUCLEAR that we are coordinating on the topic. The postdoc will lead a small team including a PhD student and tightly collaborate with other members of the lab, the institute and the NUCLEAR network.