A position for a Technician/Lab Manager is available in the Group of Cardiac Development, Remodeling and Regeneration under the supervision of Dr. Paola Cattaneo. The group is part of the University of Milan a center of Excellence and one of the biggest University in Italy and is located at the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan, Italy.
A Bioinformatician position is available in the Group of Cardiac Development, Remodeling and Regeneration under the supervision of Dr. Paola Cattaneo. The group is part of the University of Milan a center of Excellence and one of the biggest University in Italy and is located at the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan, Italy. Further information at www.cattaneo-cardiolab.com
Post-Doc positions are available in the Group of Cardiac Development, Remodeling and Regeneration under the supervision of Dr. Paola Cattaneo. The group is part of the University of Milan a center of Excellence and one of the biggest Univesity in Italy and is located at the Monzino Cardiology Center in Milan, Italy. Further information at www.cattaneo-cardiolab.com
The teams of Laporte and Kim are two labs at the IGBMC working on skeletal muscle biology with complementary expertise and approaches. We are jointly looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to manage a joint project in our labs.
Open Position in the Unit of Multiscale and Nanostructural Imaging Unit. The suitable candidate is expected to have proven experience in use of light microscopy including sample preparation, high utilization of confocal microscopy and associated image processing modules, knowledge of microscope hardware and use of Imaging analytical software. A minimum of 3 years of hands-on experience in light microscopy is required as well as knowledge of the biological samples. The candidate must demonstrate willingness in addressing development of new technologies and methods, particularly to be involved in projects aimed at developing protocols of chemical clarification dedicated to Light-Sheet Microscopy analysis.