The comprehensive assessment of drug safety is an essential component of clinical trials. The review of the drug's safety has greatly advanced in recent years by access to dynamically interactive graphs from different areas of data safety.
I want to make sure that you and your lab have heard about the outstanding biotech course that ASCB is offering this summer from June 16-27 at Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, CA.
The “Graziella Persico” Lecture series in Human Genetics is mainly addressed to young scientists to promote their learning about the most recent progress of the research in the genetic field.
Cari Soci, a giovani che desiderano approfondire problematiche biologiche è offerta una opportunità di seguire un corso intensivo di 45 giorni nel famoso "Marine Biological Laboratory" di Woods Hole Ma.
he initial step of the vesicular trafficking is vesicle budding from the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) that is fundamental for the structural and functional maintenance of post ER compartments and for the secretion of extracellular factors like hormones or extracellular matrix components.