29 March 2023
PhD fellowships available at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) in Milan.
The San Raffaele University, a top-ranked University in Italy, offers a PhD program to provide excellent guidance, support and training to graduate students interested in understanding the molecular processes underlying human diseases and in designing new therapeutic approaches.
The laboratory on Prof. Massimo Santoro is seeking post-doctoral fellows to study metabolism in cancer
A PhD position is currently available in a dynamic, international research group investigating endolysosomal disorders primarily affecting the kidney.
Biomedical Lab Technician position available at Institute of Physiology, Medicine Faculty, University of Zurich
A PhD position is available to join a group working on:Studies of miRNAs
Applications are OPEN for 9 positions in the PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine of the
University of Trieste (Dottorato in Biomedicina Molecolare dell'Università di Trieste)
A Postdoc position in Computational Biology is available at the Italian Institute for
Genomic Medicine (IIGM) in Turin (IT). The position is in the context of a 5-years funded AIRC grant to Dr. Matteo Cereda, and in collaboration with Prof. Salvatore Oliviero at IIGM and University of Turin and Prof. Jernej Ule at The Francis Crick Institute, London(UK)
The International Max Planck Research School in Chemical and Molecular Biology (IMPRS-CMB) is looking for talented and motivated PhD candidates of all nationalities
"One post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Andrea Ditadi at the SR-TIGET in Milan to study human microglia development and functions at the molecular and genetic level using hESCs/hiPSCs and mouse models. Our lab combines developmental cell and molecular biology to understand normal and pathological human development, with a particular interest in studying the genetic origins for genetic disorders and developing novel strategies for their treatment.
A position is open to a PhD student in the frame of the IC-3i international PhD Program
of the Institut Curie.

16 January 2023
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