14 May 2016
Take the time to watch this hilarious account by John Oliver (an English comedian) in "Last week tonight" on HBO
13 May 2016
Nicola Galliani's lab investigates the immunopathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases
10 May 2016
A revolutionary new concept in pipette tip racks, Rainin TerraRacks by METTLER TOLEDO are more than 50% lighter than conventional racks, yet don't compromise on strength and are completely recyclable. See them at the national congress.
9 May 2016
La promessa di un investimento pubblico mirato in ricerca e innovazione suscita speranze e qualche dubbio...
8 May 2016
Sergio Giannatasio and Alessandra Montecucco recall the contributions and charisma of Valeria Matranga