Gli enti di ricerca biomedica italiani aderenti a Research4life esprimono profonda delusione e preoccupazione per la dichiarazione di contrarietà del Ministro Salvini alla sperimentazione animale, nonché per la conseguente decisione di non supportare un emendamento della Lega che avrebbe consentito di allineare la normativa italiana alla direttiva europea in materia di protezione di quegli animali che, purtroppo, ancora oggi è necessario coinvolgere nella ricerca. Una scelta che rappresenta un passo indietro per il progresso scientifico in Italia e, paradossalmente, per il benessere di quegli stessi animali
1-year postdoc position in my lab ( at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan. We study lysosomes and autophagy in fly models of rare disease. We use a combination of genetic, imaging and biochemical approaches and quantitative phenotypic assessments.
A Lab Technician/Research Assistant position is immediately available in the Process Development Lab (PDL), led by Marina Radrizzani at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan, Italy. We are looking for a motivated Lab Technician/Research Assitant to work in the PDL Vector Core, which is focused on process development, optimization and manufacturing of high-quality lentiviral vectors (LV) for in vitro and in vivo preclinical studies.
The fellow will investigate novel players and mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of ovarian cancer stem cells. The project will rely on a broad spectrum of experimental models (patient-derived primary cells, new-generation organotypic 3D cultures, mouse xenografts), with an outstanding clinical relevance, thanks to our close interaction with the Division of Gynecology in IEO Hospital. Molecular profiling with various omics technologies and a wide range of biochemical and cell biological assays will be applied to unravel the biological mechanisms that orchestrate the pro-malignant function of ovarian cancer stem cells.