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Euroclone Workshop Automation in NGS library preparation: present and future
by staff
5 September 2017

Euroclone è lieta di annunciare il Workshop:


"Automation in NGS library preparation: present and future"

in collaborazione con Beckman Coulter s.r.l.

5 Ottobre 2017 - Ore 14.00-17.30

Aula Magna - Clinica del Lavoro “Luigi Devoto”, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Via San Barnaba 8, Milan


Automation in NGS is a growing field in Europe. Only few labs in Italy have started with this technology but many are interested in having a complete platform to be used with they NGS sequencers. The idea for scientists to have an integrated solution for reagents and automation and experts from companies to help in setup and support, makes the NEB, Euroclone and Beckman Coulter product range a complete and powerful solution for NGS high-throughput workflow. The workshop will be in english and located in easy-to-reach conference room in downtown Milan.