L'Associazione Alberto Monroy, per onorare la memoria di Alberto e Anna Monroy, bandisce un concorso per una borsa di studio "A. Monroy" di € 5.500,00 da fruirsi per frequentare il corso: "Embryology: Concepts and Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology", presso il Marine Biological Laboratory di Woods Hole, MA (USA) dall'8 giugno al 21 luglio 2018
A junior research position (one year, renewable) supported by Fondazione Pisa is available at the CNR Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research, Pisa, Italy.
Positions for computational and wet postdocs are available in the Group of Renato Ostuni at the San Raffaele-Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget) in Milan, Italy. Our labcombines single-cell genomics, genome engineering and gene therapy to dissect and manipulate the complex network of transcription factors, chromatin regulators and noncoding RNAs that control gene expression in the innate immune system.