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28 February 2018

Günter Blobel, one of the founding fathers of Cell Biology, died in New York City on February 18th, at the age of 81. Günter discovered how short aminoacid sequences within polypeptide chains act as signals to direct proteins to their proper locations within the cell.

13 February 2018

Dal secondo dopoguerra, il Giappone ha vissuto un vertiginoso sviluppo nel campo dell'innovazione tecnoscientifica. Piero Carninci ci spiega come il maggior centro di ricerca del paese, l'Isituto Riken, rappresenta una cartina di tornasole del Giappone che è stato, e di quello che verrà.

13 February 2018

"One post-doctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Andrea Ditadi at the SR-TIGET in Milan to study human microglia development and functions at the molecular and genetic level using hESCs/hiPSCs and mouse models. Our lab combines developmental cell and molecular biology to understand normal and pathological human development, with a particular interest in studying the genetic origins for genetic disorders and developing novel strategies for their treatment.