Since 1998 the “Cells as Protein Factories” or “ER & Redox Club” meetings have been organized in Europe on a (bi-)annual basis, providing a platform for researchers of redox function, protein folding and ER homeostasis to interact and to foster collaborations.
he initial step of the vesicular trafficking is vesicle budding from the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) that is fundamental for the structural and functional maintenance of post ER compartments and for the secretion of extracellular factors like hormones or extracellular matrix components.
Il 29 Marzo 2014 a Lugano, presso l'auditorium dell’Università Italo-Svizzera (USI) si terrà un Workshop, organizzato dalla fondazione IBSA e Antonio Musarò (membro del direttivo ABCD), su cellule staminali dal titolo: "Stem cell therapy: hype or hope?"
Bioprospecting – the collection, screening and scientific use of plant genetic information to improve food crops and for the development of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other consumer goods – is testimony to the ever-increasing value of biodiversity in the global economy. But in what does the challenge of a global genetic resource management consist and why should scientists and the wider public care about its social implications?
Translational research is a scientific research which helps make findings from basic science useful for practical applications that enhance human health and wellbeing.