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4 March 2015

post-doc that will focus on the in vivo isolation and analysis of cell specific and subcellular RNA changes in motor neurons of a novel ALS mouse model. This will be achieved using a novel RNA tagging system in mice. The work will be carried out in UCL ION with Lizzy Fisher.

4 March 2015

Premio per una pubblicazione internazionale nelle scienze biomediche, apparsa su una rivista con alto fattore di impatto (IF >10)

2 March 2015

A project aimed at the characterization of new antagonists for the treatment of neurodegenerative pathologies by using extracellular electrophysiology

26 February 2015

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine seeks a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher with a demonstrated record of productivity to work in a laboratory that focuses on craniofacial and neuronal aspects of mouse development.

26 February 2015

The work of the laboratory focuses on different aspects of epigenetic control of transcription in development and diseases using both cell culture and in vivo approaches.