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Post-doctoral fellow in mouse development
University of California Davis School of Medicine
Host Lab
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Contract Duration
renewable contract
commensurate to NIH scale
Deadline for application
open until filled

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine seeks a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher with a demonstrated record of productivity to work in a laboratory that focuses on craniofacial and neuronal aspects of mouse development. Several projects are available, which focus on aspects of neural crest development and cerebral cortical development.  Prior experience in molecular biology and mammalian developmental biology are essential. Expertise in proteomic analysis and experience in the use of innovative approaches to manipulate craniofacial and neural development are highly desired. Candidates must have a Ph.D., M.D., or comparable doctoral degree at the time of appointment.  The fellow will benefit from a dynamic and highly collaborative environment and the opportunity to interact with the extended scientific community at UC Davis, which ranks among the top 10 public research universities in the US. This is a full-time position, with salary commensurate to NIH scale and health benefits. Interested candidate postdocs should e-mail a CV and a brief cover letter with contact information for three references. UC Davis is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Interested candidates should email Konstantinos Zarbalis directly (