Applications are OPEN for 7 fellowships to attend to the PhD program in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology of the University of Udine (Dottorato in Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologiche dell’Università degli Studi di Udine).
Applications are OPEN for 9 positions in the PhD program in Molecular Biomedicine of the University of Trieste
Position as PhD Research fellow available at the Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo. The selected candidate will be working on a project aimed at identifying novel molecules and mechanisms regulating cell migration using molecular biological techniques, biochemistry, imaging (including live imaging) and high-throughput image-based cell screening. To elucidate these mechanisms the candidate will use cell lines and primary cells, as well as model organisms such as zebrafish or mice.
The International Max Planck Research School in Chemical and Molecular Biology (IMPRS-CMB) is looking for talented and motivated PhD candidates of all nationalities with a background in MOLECULAR and CELL BIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOPHYSICS, APPLIED and THEORETICAL PHYSICS, MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY and related fields.
SR-TIGET - 6 research fellowships for projects to be performed at TIGET laboratories