"Inner voices" is a new feature of the ABCD science magazine in which distinguished national and international scientists openly discuss in an informal interview the personal and professional choices that drove them into science and led them to make important breakthroughs in their field.
In this enlightening seminar, Pier Paolo Di Fiore (IFOM-IEO, Milan) discusses his group's recent findings as well as other evidence suggesting that breast cancer stem cells share features with normal mammary epithelial stem cells and are a marker of tumors endowed with a poorer prognosis.
In this seminar, Rossella Tupler (University of Modena) shows how a careful genetic characterization of a hereditary disease (Facioscapolohumeral muscular dystrophy, FSHD) can give insights into its molecular pathogenesis
La prima edizione del premio Luca Daveggio sarĂ conferita alla miglior presentazione scientifica da parte di un giovane ricercatore, in occasione del pre-meeting del Congressso Nazionale ABCD di Bologna (17-19 Settembre 2015).