La nascita del primo 'three-parent baby' tramite trasferimento mitocondriale solleva una molteplicità di quesiti etici e politci. E potrebbe aprire la strada a nuove modalità di concepire le relazioni sociali.
We are seeking a post-doc to join the project “microRNAs degradation dynamics in human cancer” funded by AIRC and coordinated by Dr. Francesco Nicassio at the Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM (, located in Milan and one of IIT’s national research nodes.
CONCORSO ad una borsa di studio «A. MONROY» per il 2017 per frequentare il corso: "Embryology: Concepts and Techniques in Modern Developmental Biology" presso il Marine Biological Laboratory di Woods Hole, MA. (USA)
The International Max Planck Research School in Chemical and Molecular Biology (IMPRS-CMB) is looking for talented and motivated PhD candidates of all nationalities with a background in MOLECULAR and CELL BIOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOPHYSICS, APPLIED and THEORETICAL PHYSICS, MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, CHEMICAL BIOLOGY, STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, SYSTEMS BIOLOGY and related fields.