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8 April 2013

Host-Pathogen Interaction is a privileged area of observation of nature as it is where pathogenic microorganisms and host confront themselves with the common goal of "having success in the world". Microorganisms evolve very rapidly, and very rapidly develop an arsenal of virulence factors that are tailored around key host function.

29 March 2013

UniStem Day event was first held in 2009 to connect high school students with researchers and his popularity has grown year after year. The event in Ferrare will be held on March, 15.

21 March 2013

Le staminali sono arrivate in questi giorni a occupare il centro dell'attenzione dell'opinione pubblica grazie al caso della piccola Sofia, la bambina affetta da leucodistrofia metacromatica e trattata secondo il metodo del dott. Vannoni

1 March 2013

Il Comitato Fondatore Premio “Nicolò Copernico” per la Ricerca Scientifica ed Innovazione Tecnologica di Ferrara assegna un premio per un lavoro scientifico del settore delle Scienze Biomediche pubblicato da una importante rivista internazionale con alto fattore di impatto, I.F.>10

1 March 2013

You are also invited to visit the photo gallery from this meeting's poster session.