Concorso pubblico, per titoli ed esami, per l’assunzione a tempo determinato di un COLLABORATORE PROFESSIONALE DI RICERCA SANITARIA - AREA PER IL TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGICO del CRO di Aviano (PN)
We are recruiting at all levels of seniority (postgraduate, PhD, postdoc) to join our lab at the Humanitas Research Hospital to study the role of genome integrity in memory T cell differentiation and immunosuppression. Humanitas hosts a scientific community of more than 300 scientists with interests ranging from immunology to genomics, cardiovascular biology and neurobiology and is one of the most visible and expanding research centers in Italy.
A 16 months fellowship (“assegno di ricerca”) is available at IEO and UPO (Universita’ del Piemonte Orientale) starting from July 2024, in the lab of Prof. Giuliana Pelicci, for research work on the epigenetic profiling in liquid biopsy for personalized medicine in meningioma patients, in the context of a PRIN research project in collaboration with Bonaldi group and Istituto Neurologico Besta (Prof. Di Meco). The position will be assigned through a ministerial competition: you can find all details on how to apply in the attached document and at the link:
We are seeking for highly motivated post-doctoral researchers interested in working in a stimulating research environment, and leading ambitious projects aiming to discover new strategies to curb metastatic proclivity or eradicate metastatic outgrowth by digging into the connections between mechanosignaling and oncogenic pathways and their role in controlling the crosstalk of tumor cells with the tissue microenvironment. The research is funded by AIRC 5x1000 program “Metastasis as a mechanodisease” ID22759.
Dr Ishier Raote seeks to recruit a postdoc to lead an interdisciplinary project on the cellular secretory pathway and how it is (re)organised under pathological conditions including fibrosis or in tumours.