The CIML is opening a call for candidates for a junior group leader with expertise in quantitative biology.
We seek candidates with strong qualifications in the following areas: molecular/cell biology, cancer genetics and in vivo imaging. We are seeking candidates who are self-motivated and career-oriented to join an exciting highly interactive research team.
Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate, to work in the Endothelial Homeostasis Group led by Professor Anna Randi, to study transcriptional regulation of endothelial lineage specification and angiogenesis.
ABCD awards visiting fellowships to young researchers. The aim is to encourage collaborations and sharing of technical know-how through short visits to a host laboratory in Italy.
Il Premio "Franco Palitti" sarà conferito alla migliore tesi di dottorato di ricerca riguardante ricerche sulla metilazione del DNA, la regolazione epigenetica, l'espressione e le modificazioni post-traduzionali di proteine che regolano l’organizzazione funzionale del genoma eucariotico.