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IMB International PhD Programme
Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, DE
Host Lab
Contract Duration
three years +
Not Specified
Deadline for application
May 1, 2016

Our International PhD Programme (IPP) gives talented and enthusiastic students the opportunity to undertake PhD research at the cutting edge of modern biology. Projects within the Programme address key questions related to the overarching theme of Gene Regulation, Epigenetics & Genome Stability.

Our groups cover a broad range of expertise in biochemistry, genetics, cell and developmental biology, bioinformatics, systems biology, and applied physics.The fields we study range from embryonic development, ageing and disease to analysis of high-throughput datasets, modeling of regulatory gene networks and the development of ground breaking super-resolution microscopes. This range of expertise and the open and vibrant atmosphere within the Programme encourages multidisciplinary collaborations and innovative research. Moreover, a range of scientific and social events are organised to ensure high levels of exchange and collaboration between the participating groups.


The Programme is coordinated by the Institute of Molecular Biology - a recently founded centre of excellence in the life sciences.

More details can be found in the Program's website.