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8 June 2022

One Post-Doctoral position is available in the laboratory headed by Carmine Settembre. Work’s topic will be the study of the regulation and medical implication of selective autophagy.

24 May 2022

The “Unit of Pathogenesis and Treatment of Immune and Bone Diseases” lab, led by Anna Villa at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-TIGET), Milan, Italy is recruiting a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow with strong experience in hematopoietic stem cell biology and bone marrow niche. The project will be focused on the study of ectopic bone marrow niche and optimization of innovative gene correction platform. The research activities of our laboratory are focused on the study of pathological mechanisms of immune and bone diseases and the preclinical evaluation of innovative therapeutic approaches based on gene therapy, gene editing and novel conditioning regimens. As part of the SR-TIGET, a world-leading Institute in the field of gene and cell therapy for the treatment of human genetic diseases, we benefit from a highly competitive, international and scientifically stimulating environment and offer excellent state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructures, and access to clinically relevant human samples.

24 May 2022

The “Unit of Pathogenesis and Treatment of Immune and Bone Diseases” lab, led by Anna Villa at the San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-TIGET), Milan, Italy is recruiting a talented and motivated research fellow. The project will be focused on the study of ectopic bone marrow niche and optimization of innovative gene correction platform. The research activities of our laboratory are focused on the study of pathological mechanisms of immune and bone diseases and the preclinical evaluation of innovative therapeutic approaches based on gene therapy and novel conditioning regimens. As part of the SR-TIGET, a world-leading Institute in the field of gene and cell therapy for the treatment of human genetic diseases, we benefit from a highly competitive, international and scientifically stimulating environment and offer excellent state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructures, and access to clinically relevant human samples.

23 February 2022

Why do many cancer patients develop delayed metastases? How do metastatic cells survive in a foreign environment? Can we identify disseminated cancer cells before metastatic outgrowth? If you are interested in answering these questions, Montagner lab is looking for two creative, independent, and ambitious Postdocs. Our mission is to identify innovative actionable targets to kill disseminated metastatic cells before the onset of metastasis. In our lab we apply bulk (qPCR, western blotting, cytofluorimetry) and single cell analyses (scRNAseq,immunofluorescence, multispectral imaging, mass cytometry) which encompass a breadth of disciplines (molecular biology, biochemistry, mechanobiology, bioinformatics, optogenetics) spanning diverse areas (cell biology, genomics, and metabolomics, pre-clinical translation, liquid biopsies). The Postdocs will isolate disseminated cells from multiple sources and animal models, generate single cell expression profiles, characterize the microenvironment, develop organotypic systems in vitro and design experiments for orthogonal validation or functional studies (patient-derived cell lines, high content screens, animal models) using technologies available through our group and our collaborators.(Montagner et al., Nature Cell Biology 2020; Zangrossi et al., Cancers 2021; Zangrossi et al., Cancers 2021).

23 February 2022

Interested in understanding how blood cells form? A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Andrea Ditadi at SR-TIGET (Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy at the Ospedale San Raffaele) in Milan to study new layers of regulation of blood development.