20132 Milano ITALY
I have been working in the field of biomedical communication for almost 20 years. During that time I have taught general communication skills, including medical writing and public speaking, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. More specifically, my undergraduate courses focus on doctor-patient communication and peer-to-peer communication. Furthermore, I have worked alongside clinicians, surgeons and research scientists on the editing of well over 200 biomedical manuscripts, thereafter published in impact-factor journals.
I am Head of Medical Humanities and Coordinator of Applied English at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy, where I teach undergraduate doctors, dentists, nurses and biotechnology researchers, together with postgraduate PhD students and clinical interns. I am a member of the Executive Board of the International MD Program at
the same university.
I regularly teach in-company CME communication courses at veterinary research centers (IZSLER Brescia, Italy) and give talks throughout the country on the same topic.
In 2006 Masson/Elsevier published my book English for the Medical Profession (ISBN 88-214-2910-5).
I am a Section Editor of the journal Heart, Lung, and Vessels (formerly HSR Proceedings), where I write a regular column on communication skills in biomedicine. I am Head of Communication Skills at the HSR Proceedings Training Center. I am also a member of the CIC Edizioni Internazionali Scientific.
Current position
Head of Medical Humanities, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
Coordinator of Applied Medical English, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
BA Honors Degree in Modern Languages, University of Exeter (UK) 1978
PGCE Degree, Sheffield University (UK) 1980