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Mechanometabolism Unleashed: The Interface of Cell Mechanics and Metabolism
22 - 25 June 2025
Registration deadline
Abstract submission deadline

There is an integral relationship between the mechanical behaviour of cells and tissues and their cellular metabolism. External forces exerted on cells play a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics of cytoskeletal components and organelles, thereby influencing metabolic processes. The resulting metabolic reprogramming reciprocally impacts these cellular dynamics, by regulating the energy supply required to sustain the cell’s material properties. Yet, much remains unknown about the regulatory forces governing the intricate interplay between mechanical forces and metabolic rewiring. Hence, it represents a burgeoning field of study that lies at the intersection of cellular metabolism, cell biology, biophysics, theoretical physics, and active matter.

Our interdisciplinary programe focuses on the following key topics that span multiple temporal and spatial scales from subcellular organelles to supracellular tissue ensembles to systemic organismal responses:

  • The subcellular micro scale: integration of mechanics and metabolism at the organelle level.
  • From cellular to tissue scale: junctional mechanics and regulation of metabolism
  • Mechano-metabolic modulation of 4D genome
  • The systemic scale: The impact of immuno-mechano-metabolisms on tissue microenvironment and ecology in pathophysiology
  • Quantifying forces: emerging theories and technologies

To maximise diversity of topics and perspectives, we propose speakers with different scientific backgrounds: Quantitative Cell and Molecular Biologists: Experts who focus on organelle biology, metabolic reprogramming, DNA metabolisms and cellular mechanics. Biophysicists: Professionals who have developed new methods to measure and manipulate changes in the cellular environment. Immunologists: Specialists who are examining how changes in cellular and tissue mechanics and metabolism affect systemic responses in the organism.

We anticipate that the Workshop will address key questions in this emerging field, including:

  • Understanding the molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways that integrate mechanics and metabolism at the organelle level.
  • Examining how changes in organelle mechanics and metabolism affect cellular health, tissue function, and the development of various diseases, including metabolic disorders, cancer, and neurodegeneration.
  • Exploring the integration of junctional mechanics and metabolism during tissue development and homeostasis, including identifying key regulatory elements.
  • Investigating the role of mechano-metabolism in epigenetic remodeling observed in response to mechanical stress, and how mechanical stress impacts genome organisation, such as changes in CTCF occupancy during cell stretching.

Overall, the Workshop is an opportunity to foster cross-disciplinary dialogue and innovation, aiming to advance understanding and research at the crossroad of mechanobiolgy, metabiolisms and immunoresponses

