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From cell to organism - When cell biology meets development
16 - 19 October 2024
Registration deadline
Abstract submission deadline

From Cell to Organism

When Cell Biology meets Development

This conference follows on the success of the "From Cells to Embryo" meeting that took place in 2020. It is co-organized by the 3 major French organizations in the field: French Society for Cell BiologyFrench Developmental Biology Society, and Multithematic Institute Cell Biology, Development, Evolution.


It will cover among other the following themes:

  • Nuclear architecture and gene regulation
  • Motility and polarity 
  • Signaling and patterning
  • Cell cycle, growth and morphogenesis
  • Mechanobiology across scales
  • Stem cells, cell fate and regeneration
  • Synthetic biology from molecules to organs
  • Physiology, Metabolism and Diseases
  • Evolution and co-evolution

The program will include keynote lectures, invited talks, and many selected talks and posters.

The meeting will take place in Paris on October 16 - 19, 2024 at The International Conference Centre, Sorbonne Université.

Information on registration, submission of abstracts and preliminary program is available on the dedicated website.