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Joint ABCD Special Interest Groups Meeting 2024 “Organelle biogenesis, signal transduction and trafficking” & “Cellular stress, stem cells, development and regeneration”
17 - 19 October 2024
Registration deadline
Abstract submission deadline

We are pleased to invite you to the Joint ABCD Special Interest Groups Meeting, JASM 2024, that will be held in Bologna, from 17 to 19 October 2024.


The Conference will take place at the Opificio Golinelli, an innovation ecosystem created as a citadel for promoting knowledge and spreading the culture of science.


During the three days of this Joint Conference, two ABCD Special Interest Groups Meetings will take place, one after the other: “Organelle biogenesis, signal transduction and trafficking” (17-18 October) and “Cellular stress, stem cells, development and regeneration” (18-19 October).


The choice of a Joint Conference aims to increase transversal interactions between researchers dealing with different, but similar and complementary topics in the field of cell communication and development, in order to stimulate greater scientific discussion and collaborative exchanges.

We will have five main keynote lectures: Jos Jonkers (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Giovanni D'Angelo (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland), Michele Studer (Université Côte d’Azur, UCA, CNRS- Institute of Biology Valrose, Nice, France), Raffaele Nicastro (University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland) and Chiara Di Malta (Tigem, and University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy) who will cover different aspects of signal transduction, cancer, protein trafficking, lipid biology and brain development in different physio-pathological contexts.


As usual in ABCD Groups Meetings, most of the talks will be given by Ph.D. students, postdocs, and young researchers selected from the submitted abstracts.

Overall, JASM 2024 will provide a great opportunity to share new ideas, foster collaborations, and encourage young researchers in the field.

To encourage your participation during all three days, we offer a reduction on the registration fee to those who wish to attend the entire Joint Meeting. You may also join just one of the two Groups Meetings, but do not exclude this opportunity for cross contamination between topics and research approaches!


Please explore this website jasm2024 for more details on the Conference venue, accommodation, and registration procedures.


We look forward to welcoming you to Bologna!

The Organising Committees