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ER & Redox Club 2015 Meeting
15 - 17 April 2015
Registration deadline
Abstract submission deadline

Since 1998 the “Cells as Protein Factories” or “ER & Redox Club” meetings have been organized in Europe on a biennial basis, providing a platform for researchers of redox function, protein folding and ER homeostasis to interact and to foster collaborations. The meetings are grass roots events and have a great track record of leading to cross-Europe co-publications in leading journals.


Each participating group provides one speaker. Talks will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion. Non-speaker students and postdocs are encouraged to bring a poster. Posters will be advertised in 3 minute talks by the poster presenters. Venue The meeting will be held on Certosa Island. Participants will be lodged either on Certosa island or on Lido. Boat connections will be guaranteed as to accommodate connections between conference venue, lodging & Venice proper. For more information visit the meeting venue.


Organizers Ester Zito, Maurizio D’Antonio, Luca Rampoldi, Roberto Sitia & Eelco van Anken. Contact: