On the 24th-26th of March we had the National PhD meeting in Salerno.
This was a great start back to science: we listened to outstanding talks and we had great poster sessions, with high level of science, maturity and enthusiasm!
Thanks to all participants and organizers, especially to the PhD student committee.
We had two outstanding keynote lectures delivered by Marino Zerial and Jim Norman. They were also actively involved in discussing science with students all along the meeting.
The Luca Daveggio Prize for the best oral presentation delivered by a PhD student was assigned to Erica Mina from the University of Turin. She delivered a clear and logic presentation, describing very interesting results. It was particularly appreciated her enthusiasm and participation all along the meeting.
We assigned 6 Poster prizes supported by ABCD and SIBBM
• Gianluca Scerra (University of Naples Federico II)
• Valentino Martis (European Institute of Oncology / University of Milan)
• Caterina Boncompagni (University of Ferrara)
• Giorgia Maestrini (IFOM / University of Milan)
• Iolanda Scognamiglio (University of Naples Federico II)
• Amir Fardin (European Institute of Oncology / University of Milan)
We hope you had fun and enjoyed the lively discussion and exchange of ideas.
We look forward to seeing you at future meetings!
The Organising Committee
Simona Paladino, Sara Sigismund, Luigi Fattore
The Ph.D. Student Committee
Andrea Castiglioni, Luca Gozzelino, Marianna Maniaci, Valeria Valente