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Stefano Bacci
ABCD regular member
Aggregate Professor of Histology
University of Florence
Department of Biology
Contact Information
Viale Pieraccini 6
50134 Firenze Fi ITALY
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stefano bacci


Faussone Pellegrini MS, Bacci S, Pantalone D,
Cortesini C. Distribution of VIP immunoreactive nerve cells and fibers in the
human ileocecal region. Neurosci. Lett. 1993; 157: 135-139.

Faussone Pellegrini MS, Bacci S, Pantalone D,
Cortesini C, Mayer B. Nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in the human
ileocecal region. Neurosci. Lett. 1994; 170: 261-265.

Bacci S, Riccardi-Arbi R, Mayer B, Rumio C,
Borghi-Cirri MB. Localization of nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in mast
cells of human nasal mucosa. Histochemistry 1994; 102: 89-92.

Bacci S, Faussone-Pellegrini MS, Mayer B, Romagnoli P.
Distribution of mast cells in human ileocecal region. Dig. Dis. Sci. 1995; 40:

Bechi P, Romagnoli P, Panula P, Dei R, Bacci S,
Amorosi A, Masini E. Gastric mucosal histamine storing cells: evidence for
different roles of mast cells and enterochromaffin-like cells in humans. Dig.
Dis. Sci. 1995; 40: 2207-2213.

Bechi P, Romagnoli P, Bacci S, Dei R, Amorosi A,
Cianchi F, Masini E. Helicobacter pylori
and duodenal ulcer: evidence for a histamine pathways-involving link. Am. J.
Gastroent. 1996; 91: 2338-2343.

Bacci S, Nakamura T, Streilein JW. Failed antigen
presentation after UVB radiation correlates with modifications of Langerhans
cells cytoskeleton. J. Invest. Dermatol. 1996; 107: 838-843.

Bacci S, Alard P, Dai R, Nakamura T, Streilein JW.
High and low doses of haptens dictate whether epidermal or dermal antigen
presenting cells promote contact hypersensitivity. Eur. J. Immunol. 1997; 27:

Bacci S, Rucci L, Riccardi-Arbi R, Borghi-Cirri MB.
Colocalization of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and nitric oxide-synthase
immunoreactivity in mast cell granules of nasal mucosa. Histol. Histopathol.
1998; 13: 1011-1014.

Bacci S, Romagnoli P, Streilein J.W. Reduction in number
and morphologic alterations of Langerhans cells after UVB radiation in vivo are
accompanied by an influx of monocytoid cells into the epidermis. J. Inv. Derm.
1998; 111: 1134-1139.


Bechi P, Bacci S, Cianchi F, Amorosi A, Nesi G, Dei R, Romagnoli P. Impairment
of gastric secretion modulation in duodenal ulcer and in long-term PPI
treatment: quantitative morphologic findings and pathophysiologic implications.
Dig. Dis. Sci. 2001 2001; 46: 1952-1959.

Borghi-Cirri MB, Riccardi-Arbi R, Bacci S, Mori M, Pimpinelli N,
Romagnoli P, Filipponi F. Inhibited differenziation of Langerhans cells in the
rat epidermis upon systemic treatment with cyclosporin A. Histol. Histopathol.
2001; 16: 107-112.

Bacci S, Alard P, Streilein J.W. Evidence that Ultraviolet B Radiation
transiently inhibits emigration of Langerhans cells from exposed epidermis,
thwarting contact hypersensitivity induction. 
Eur. J. Immunol. 2001 31: 3588-3594

Bonelli A, Bacci S, Vannelli GB, Norelli GA. Immunohistochemical
localization of mast cells as a tool for the discrimination of vital and
postmortem lesions. Int. J. Leg. Med. 2003; 117: 14-18.

Bonelli A, Bacci S, Norelli GA. Affinity cytochemistry analysis of mast
cells in skin lesions: a possible tool to assess timing of lesions toward
death. Int. J. Leg. Med. 2003; 117: 331-334.

Rinaldi B, Romagnoli P, Bacci S, Carnuccio R,
Maiuri MC, Donniacuo M, Capuano A, Rossi F, Filippelli A.
events in a vascular remodeling model induced by surgical injury to the rat
carotid artery.
Brit. J. Pharmacol. 2006; 147:

Bacci S, Romagnoli P, Norelli GA, Forestieri AL, Bonelli A. Early
increase in TNF-alpha containing mast cells in skin lesions. Int. J. Leg. Med.
2006; 120: 38-42.

Pieri L, Rinaldi B, Domenici L, Bacci S, Filippelli A, Capuano A, Rossi
F, Romagnoli P. Blood-borne cells involved in arterial repair upon experimental
incision injury. Histol. Histopathol. 2008; 23: 19-32.

Bacci S, Pieri L, Buccoliero AM, Bonelli A, Taddei GL, Romagnoli P.
Smooth muscle cells, dendritic cells, and mast cells are sources of TNFalpha
and nitric oxide in human carotid artery atherosclerosis. Thrombosis Research
2008; 122: 657-667.


Di Gennaro P, Sestini R, Bacci S, Pacini A, Pinzani P,
Domenica L, Toscano A, Massi D, Carli P, Genuardi M, Romagnoli P.
causes reduced GLI-1 expression and phenotypic changes in the TE 354.T basal
cell carcinoma line. J Dermatol Sci 2009; 54: 52-54.

Bacci S, Bonelli A, Romagnoli P. Mast cells in injury response. In Abreu
T, Silva G eds. Cell movement: New Research Trends. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc, 2009 pp 81-121.

Bacci S, Pimpinelli N, Romagnoli P. Contacts between mast cells and in
dendritic cells in human skin. Ital. J. Anat. Embriol. 2010; 115: 25-30

Bacci S, Romagnoli P. Drugs acting on mast cells function. A cell
biological perspective. Inflamm. Allergy Drug Targets 2010; 9: 214-228.

Bonetti MI, Bacci S, Santosuosso M, Mazzanti B, Aldinucci A, Ballerini
C, Guasti D, Calosi L, Bosi A, Romagnoli P.
promotes the differentiation of Langerhans cells and inhibits that of other
dendritic cell types from CD133 positive hematopoietic precursors.
2014; 29: 323-332.


Bacci S, De Fraia B, Cinci L, Calosi L, Guasti D, Pieri L, Lotti V,
Bonelli A, Romagnoli P.
Immunohistochemical analysis of dendritic cells in
skin lesions: correlations with survival time. Forensic Sci Int, 2014, 244:

Raimondi L, Bacci S, Mannucci E. Glucagon like
peptide (GLP-1) agonists for use in topical applications. Patent: Deposit
0001414583, Deposit Date, 2015.05.28

Bacci S, Laurino A, Manni ME, Landucci E, Musilli C, De Siena G, Mocali
A, Raimondi L.
The pro-healing effect of exendin-4 on wounds produced
by abrasion in normoglycemic mice. Eur J Pharmacol 2015; 764: 346-352

Cicchi R, Rossi F. Alfieri D, Bacci S, Tatini F, De Siena G, Paroli G,
Pini R, Pavone SF. Observation of an improved healing process in superficial
skin wounds after irradiation with a Blue-LED hemostatic device.
J Biophotonics 2016; 9: 645-655.

Bacci S, Romagnoli P. The role of dendritic cells in vertebrates: a review. Internal Biology Review 2017; 1; 1-9.

Grandi V, Bacci S, Corsi A, Sessa M, Puliti E, Murciano N, Scavone F, Cappugi P, Pimpinelli N. ALA-PDT exerts beneficial effects on chronic venous ulcers by inducing changes in inflammatory microenvironment, especially through increased TGF-betarelease: a pilot clinical and translational study. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther2018; 21: 252-256.


Grandi V, Sessa M, Pisano L, Rossi R, Galvan A, Gattai R, Mori M, Tiradritti L, Bacci S, Zuccati G, Cappugi P, Pimpinelli N. Photodynamic therapy with topical photosensitizers in mucosal and semimucosal areas: Review from a dermatologic perspective. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 2018, 23: 119-131.


Focardi M, Puliti E, Grifoni R, Palandri M, Bugelli V, Pinchi V, Norelli GA, Bacci S. Immunohistochemical localization of Langerhans cells as a tool for vitality in hanging mark wounds: a pilot study. Aust J Forensic Sc2019 in corso di stampa doi: 10.1080/00450618.2019.1567811